
Martin St-Louis is the best coach for the Habs, says Jeff Gorton

The Canadiens are currently undergoing a period of transition, marked by significant changes since Jeff Gorton and Kent Hughes assumed leadership roles. What stands out is the noticeable improvement among the team’s young players and the evident progression in their collective performance.

Elevating the Habs to the next level presents a challenge for the coaching staff, particularly for Martin St-Louis. St-Louis possesses a deep understanding of the game due to his extensive playing experience and success in the National League. However, his limited bench coaching experience in the NHL is a factor to consider.

Despite this, management views St-Louis as the ideal coach for the Canadiens. Jeff Gorton expressed confidence in St-Louis, emphasizing his compatibility with the organization’s culture. St-Louis’ ability to communicate effectively with young players and foster player development aligns well with the team’s rebuilding phase, requiring patience and skillful mentorship.

Head coach Martin St-Louis of the Montreal Canadiens

In contrast, coaches like John Tortorella, known for their tough approach, may not suit the Canadiens’ current situation. St-Louis’ approach, characterized by empathy and personalized guidance, resonates with the players and fosters a supportive environment in the dressing room.

St-Louis’ willingness to engage with players individually, drawing from his own experiences, contributes to his respect and influence within the team. Players feel comfortable confiding in him, enhancing team cohesion and morale.

Overall, management is impressed with St-Louis’ performance since his appointment, believing he possesses the qualities necessary to lead the club to success. The organization’s confidence in St-Louis reflects positively on the team’s future prospects and demonstrates a strong sense of trust and support at the management level.

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