Breaking News: Broncos Secure Five-Year Contract Worth $5.5 Million with…

Andrew Johns suggests that if young sensation Reece Walsh were to sign for $1.1 million per season, Brisbane would be securing a valuable deal. News Corp recently revealed that the dynamic fullback has committed to a five-year extension with the Broncos, totaling $5.5 million.


This contract would establish Walsh as the highest-paid player in Red Hill history and position him among the NRL’s top earners. However, he would still trail behind Knights’ standout Kalyn Ponga, who earns $1.4 million annually from his club.

Walsh took to Instagram to refute the report, and his coach Kevin Walters confirmed that no agreement had been reached. Additionally, Andrew Johns essentially advised the 21-year-old to hold out for a higher salary.

According to Johns, Walsh deserves much more than what was reported, stating, “He should be on three times that.” He suggested that there had been discussions about the NRL potentially introducing marquee players at each club who wouldn’t count towards the salary cap, indicating that Walsh could potentially command a salary of two or three million dollars per year.

Johns also highlighted the potential for Walsh to earn additional income through third-party agreements, speculating that if he were to sign for $1.1 million, he could potentially secure an extra million on top of that through such arrangements.

In the NRL, players are permitted to capitalize on third-party deals, as long as these arrangements are not orchestrated by their club to circumvent salary cap regulations.

For instance, players also earn additional income for representing their state or country, meaning that individuals like Walsh and Ponga can earn an extra $90,000 annually solely from participating in State of Origin matches.

The Broncos have already secured long-term contracts with players such as Ezra Mam, Payne Haas, Patrick Carrigan, and Brendan Piakura, which are financially rewarding.

Johns suggests that if the Broncos can secure Walsh for as little as $1.1 million per year, they would be making a wise investment. He considers it a great value, emphasizing Walsh’s exceptional playing ability and marketability.


According to Johns, Walsh’s dynamic style, extroverted personality, and ability to entertain make him an invaluable asset both on and off the field. Additionally, he notes Walsh’s popularity, suggesting that he attracts spectators to games.

However, Walsh is currently sidelined for a month due to a facial fracture sustained during a match against the Panthers in round three.


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