
MJ Melendez Says Kansas City Royals isn’t just the same old team

Following a series of close losses to the Baltimore Orioles earlier in the week, the Kansas City Royals were in need of a standout performance, and they found it in a dominant victory over the Chicago White Sox on Thursday. Despite having a stellar 1.43 ERA, the Royals’ starting rotation had struggled with run support throughout the season. Catcher MJ Melendez expressed the importance of providing the pitchers with ample run support, emphasizing how a strong offensive showing gives the team a better chance to secure victories.


The Royals seized control of the game with an explosive eight-run seventh inning, capitalizing on the opportunity to break it open. Melendez acknowledged the team’s efforts to create such momentum, highlighting their ability to capitalize on key moments.

Looking ahead, Melendez stressed the importance of maintaining the same level of energy and seizing opportunities presented by opposing teams’ mistakes, particularly as they faced White Sox starting pitcher Erick Fedde. Despite similarities in the lineup compared to last season, manager Matt Quatraro noted the growth and maturity of the players, attributing the team’s improved performance to a deeper understanding of what it takes to succeed.

Thursday’s game served as a testament to the evolution of this year’s Royals team, demonstrating that they are not simply a repeat of last season. Melendez emphasized the team’s belief in its ability to compete with any opponent, highlighting the importance of continued chemistry building for future success. A victory like Thursday’s undoubtedly contributes to the positive atmosphere within the locker room, further fueling the team’s confidence and camaraderie.

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