
Sydney Roosters CEO Joe Kelly and Eels CEO Bernie Gurr Join USA Rugby League Board

Sydney Roosters CEO Joe Kelly is aligning with the USA Rugby League (USARL) as an independent director, alongside former Roosters and Eels CEO Bernie Gurr. Their appointment signifies a concerted effort to enhance rugby league’s presence in the United States, a venture supported by recent NRL initiatives, including the appointment of John Vellis as General Manager for US Expansion.

Remaining with the Roosters, Kelly aims to leverage his extensive experience to facilitate collaboration between the NRL and USARL for the sport’s growth in America.

“I am honored to join the USARL Board. The US rugby league market holds immense potential, and I aspire to facilitate synergies between the NRL and USARL to foster the game’s development,” Kelly expressed.

The Roosters have already begun tapping into American talent, exemplified by the signing of US Rugby 7s star Liz Tafuna for their NRLW team. Roosters chairman Nick Politis perceives Kelly’s new role as an opportunity to further scout American players for future prospects.

Kelly boasts a distinguished background in sports management, having held positions at various sports clubs, including the Rabbitohs, Sea Eagles, and Chelsea Football Club.

IRL chair Troy Grant lauded the governance reform and NRL’s initiatives in the US, citing Kelly and Gurr’s appointments as pivotal for rugby league’s prosperous future in America.

“The USARL is primed for success, poised to expand rugby league’s footprint in the US,” remarked Grant.

Parramatta Eels Chief Executive Bernie Gurr

Gurr shares in the enthusiasm for his new role, expressing, “I am thrilled to contribute to the growth of rugby league in the US. The recent governance changes position us well to make a significant impact.”

USARL directors Matt Goschnick and Miranda Barnard foresee the inclusion of Gurr and Kelly on the board as fortifying the organization’s groundwork for achieving growth objectives.

The USARL aims to elevate rugby league as a prominent sport in the United States, leveraging their collective experience and connections with the NRL to propel the game forward.

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