
Honoring Our Heroes: Unveiling the 2024 Anzac Round Jersey

The nib Newcastle Knights proudly present their 2024 Anzac Round Jersey, honoring the invaluable contributions of the service men and women from RAAF Base Williamtown and the Army School of Infantry, Singleton, to our region.

Crafted through a collaborative effort with the Hunter Defence Support Network (HSDN), the design drew inspiration from submissions by active members of the Australian Defence Force and their families.

The jersey’s front showcases the F-35A Lightning II aircraft soaring over Newcastle’s iconic Nobby’s Headland, while the rear features Australian Army infantry soldiers in action at the Lone Pine Barracks, Singleton. Additionally, the insignia of the Royal Australian Air Force representing RAAF Base Williamtown and the Army School of Infantry are depicted on the lower rear of the jersey.

Adorning the left breast is a sprig of rosemary, symbolizing the wild growth at Gallipoli in Turkey and traditionally worn during Anzac Day services in reverence for those who have served and sacrificed for their nation.

To underscore the collaboration, the jersey sleeves proudly display the HDSN logo lock-up.

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