
Nathan Buckley Advocates for AFL Reform: Highlights Angus Brayshaw Detail Amid Calls to Ban Steven May

Nathan Buckley has called for the AFL to take disciplinary action against players like Steven May who engage in ‘staging’ to gain free kicks, highlighting the incident involving May and its impact, particularly in light of former teammate Angus Brayshaw’s situation. May recently received a $1250 fine for feigning a head injury during a match against North Melbourne, despite replays showing no actual head contact occurred during the tackle.

Speaking on SEN radio, Buckley expressed his belief that such actions should warrant at least a one-week suspension, emphasizing that the rule against staging exists to protect players, especially their heads. He drew attention to Brayshaw’s forced early retirement due to concussion issues, contrasting May’s actions with the courage and integrity typically honored in the game.

Buckley noted, “Staging has unfortunately been part of the game, but what May did goes beyond typical exaggeration. It directly undermines the purpose of the rule meant for player safety. Considering the circumstances with Angus Brayshaw, who has left the game due to head injuries, I think May’s actions deserve a more serious penalty than just a fine.”

He continued, “This incident isn’t just about the rules of the game; it’s about player welfare. May’s conduct should prompt a strong response from the AFL to uphold the integrity and safety of the sport.”

In addition to Buckley’s comments, others within the AFL community have echoed concerns over May’s actions, suggesting that Melbourne should address the issue publicly to prevent similar incidents in the future.

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