Kansas Jayhawks Interview: 19 years old on Shooting, Desert Island Scenarios, and Transfer Discussions

Incoming Kansas men’s basketball recruit Flory Bidunga has been keeping busy lately. Graduating from Kokomo High School in Indiana last Saturday, he’s set to arrive in Lawrence this weekend. Bidunga has been intensely preparing himself for the transition to college basketball with a focus on expanding his game.

“I’ve been expanding my game. … I have to be ready for college basketball,” Bidunga told The Star. “I’ve been working on my dribbling and shooting.” He acknowledges his strengths lie in his motor and shot-blocking ability, though he admits his shooting skills are a work in progress. “In high school, I wasn’t asked to shoot from the outside,” he explained. “I don’t consider it a weakness, but I’m really putting in the work to improve.”

When asked if he plans to shoot 3-pointers next season, Bidunga confidently replied, “Yeah, for sure.” Looking ahead to his first season with the Kansas Jayhawks, Bidunga is focused on winning and is optimistic about the team Coach Bill Self is assembling. “I’m a winner, a hard worker, and I bring good energy,” he affirmed.

In another Kansas Jayhawks Q&A session:

Q: Which KU basketball player would make the best KU football player?
A: Conventional wisdom suggests KJ Adams would excel as a tight end, given his size and speed. Elmarko Jackson is also noted for his potential as a wide receiver or defensive back due to his quickness and background in lacrosse.

Q: How many commitments do you see KU football securing by the end of June?
A: It’s anticipated that Kansas could secure one or two more commitments from the transfer portal, particularly focusing on bolstering the offensive line and wide receiver positions.

Q: What will happen with the two remaining basketball scholarships?
A: Kansas is likely to fill one scholarship and leave the other open to comply with their self-imposed scholarship sanction. Potential targets include Miami’s Wooga Poplar, known for his scoring ability and three-point shooting.

Q: If you were trapped on an island with one KU basketball player, who would it be and why?
A: Hunter Dickinson would be the choice for his entertaining personality, conversation skills, and height, which could aid in spotting rescuers. His interest in fishing would also be advantageous in a survival situation.

For more updates and discussions on Kansas Jayhawks basketball, stay tuned to The Star and follow their coverage.

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