Hunter Brown, a 21-year-old cadet at the Air Force Academy and a standout offensive lineman on the Falcons football team, passed away on Monday following a medical emergency on his way to class. Despite the efforts of first responders, they were unable to revive him. The academy did not provide details regarding the cause of his death.
Lt. Gen. Richard M. Clark, the Air Force Academy superintendent, expressed deep sorrow in a statement, saying, “Hunter was a standout offensive lineman on the Falcon football team and was well-respected in his squadron. The entire U.S. Air Force Academy mourns his loss, and our hearts and condolences are with his family, his squadron, and all who were touched by this incredible young man.”
Hunter Brown, a sophomore from Lake Charles, Louisiana, was pursuing a major in management with a minor in French at the Air Force Academy. He had contributed to back-to-back winning seasons for the Falcons football team in 2021 and 2022.
Football coach Troy Calhoun praised Brown, describing him as a “pure joy” and beloved by his teammates. “He was tough, a great worker, and no one unselfishly pulled harder for others than Hunter,” Calhoun said. “His mom and dad, Candyce and Dustin, raised a wonderful son who made each of us a better person. We love our great brother, and our thoughts and prayers are with Hunter’s incredible soul and his family.”