
Promising Duke Freshman Faces Early Critism: Can He Deliver Under Pressure?

Kon Knueppel

You may have seen the Kon Knueppel video this week where he hit 28 out of 29 three-pointers. That’s an impressive feat, but not everyone is ready to hand him the crown just yet.

While some marveled at his shooting display, others on social media were quick to critique the video. Critics pointed out specifics about his shooting form and footwork, with one common refrain: “Anyone’s a shooter without defense.”

It’s a valid point—shooting unguarded is always easier. However, Knueppel’s video still offers a glimpse into his capabilities. Despite the naysayers, his shot looks solid. More importantly, Knueppel brings a ruggedness to his game that could set him apart.

Unlike many freshmen, Knueppel has the physicality to handle the rigors of college basketball. He has added an inch and some weight, which will help him withstand the physical play at the next level. If he can translate his high school shooting prowess to college, it will be an added bonus for his team.

Ultimately, the real test will come when Knueppel faces live defenses. But from what we’ve seen, he looks like a player who understands the game and will find ways to contribute, making him a valuable asset for any team willing to give him a chance.

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