
When Trump’s Appearance at SC/Clemson Game Spurs Booing: Critics Slam ‘Witless Show of Arrogance

A resounding chorus of boos greeted Donald Trump as he arrived at the South Carolina/Clemson football game on November 25, 2023. Isaac Bailey, a columnist for McClatchy, delivered a blistering critique of the former President and the individuals he referred to as ‘cowards’ for permitting him to make an appearance on the field, in an incisive op-ed published in The State on November 26. Bailey remarked that the game, often hailed as ‘a quasi-religious holiday in the Palmetto State,’ now carries the ‘stench’ of Trump’s presence, as reported by Raw Story.

Despite efforts from his advance team to orchestrate applause, Trump was instead met with boos as he waited in his car. As the disapproval intensified, observers noted him contemplatively peering out from his vehicle, poised to depart to where his aides Steven Cheung and Jason Miller were assembling his supporters, according to Meidas Touch Network.

In addition to Bailey’s scathing assessment of the former President, which included labeling him ‘a 91-time indicted and credibly-accused sexual abuser,’ the columnist took aim at South Carolina Governor Henry McMaster, asserting that the governor “should be ashamed. But you’d have to possess a shred of integrity for shame to be even a possibility, so I get why he isn’t.”

The author also censured the university, remarking, “The University of South Carolina should be ashamed. But it is run by cowards comfortable bending the knee to a compromised governor and an even more compromised presidential candidate who inspired a violent attack at the heart of our democracy just a couple of years ago.

Bailey went on to suggest, “Whoever authorized that pathetic Trump parade should be dismissed, though I suspect, given how far we’ve fallen from any sense of decency, they may have already received a raise.”

He also highlighted Trump’s attendance at the South Carolina football game while declining to participate in Republican primary debates alongside former governor Nikki Haley (R-SC), who is also vying for the GOP presidential nomination in 2024. “Trump hasn’t participated in Republican primary debates because polls show he’s far ahead of the field. And yet, he showed up in South Carolina’s state capitol to make a spectacle of himself and sully one of our most-cherished annual traditions,” Bailey asserted.

“It’s not just that they knew everyone with the power to stop their witless show of machismo and arrogance would roll over and let them do whatever the heck they wanted to do,” Bailey concluded, “Haley’s team won the football game, and she won an important political victory against a man who brags about how tough he is but whose decision to fly into Columbia was political weakness.

McMaster and others pretended the man they treated like an emperor had new clothes. But those of us with eyes and a functioning brain know the truth, that he was exposed as the naked coward’s bully he’s long been.

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