
By season’s end, QB Teddy Bridgewater plans to retire.

Teddy Bridgewater will not be playing quarterback again after this NFL season. Bridgewater, who is currently with the Detroit Lions, disclosed to the Detroit Free Press that this will be his final season.

Right now, Bridgewater is supporting Jared Godd, a job he seems to be enjoying.

“Everything that was intended for me came to pass precisely as intended,” Bridgewater remarked. And I still approach every day with that perspective, and I’m genuinely grateful to be in Year 10. I’m in my last year, like I tell everyone, and I’m simply enjoying everything, dude.

Bridgewater played for the Miami Dolphins, Denver Broncos, Carolina Panthers, and New Orleans Saints before being drafted by the Minnesota Vikings in 2014.

“After getting injured, I came to the realization that I play football for three hours on Sunday afternoons,” Bridgewater stated. Aside from that, it helped me put things into perspective because my name is Theodore Bridgewater. It also made it easier for me to stop worrying about not being a starter. It seems like, “Dude, I still have a purpose.” Furthermore, my goals transcend the football match. Football is merely one of my platforms.


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