
Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft Join Tom Brady’s Roast for a Toast

During the 2024 offseason, an unexpected moment occurred when Bill Belichick and Robert Kraft shared shots of liquor onstage at Tom Brady’s Netflix roast.

Earlier in the evening, Belichick had already shared a drink with Brady and Rob Gronkowski. Following Kraft’s speech, host Kevin Hart encouraged Kraft to join Belichick onstage for a shot. Despite being 82 years old, Kraft swiftly made his way to the stage, with Belichick following suit.

During his moment on stage, Kraft praised Belichick as the greatest coach in the history of the game and expressed gratitude for the honor of having both Brady and Belichick on the team. He concluded his remarks with a toast, emphasizing the significance of their partnership.

Tom Brady

This display of camaraderie between Belichick and Kraft was unexpected given the apparent tension in their relationship during the offseason. Reports had surfaced of discord between them, with Kraft allegedly offering a negative assessment of Belichick’s character to other team owners and making critical remarks about him in the docu-series “The Dynasty.”

However, at the roast, Belichick himself made light of the situation, joking about his portrayal in the series and expressing his honor at being part of Brady’s roast.

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