
Hugh Freeze Drops Bombshell: All 16 SEC Head Coaches in Secret Group Chat!

During the May 9 episode of Next Round Live, Auburn football head coach Hugh Freeze disclosed that all 16 SEC football head coaches participate in a group chat following the Regions Pro-Am in Hoover.

“We actually have a text group,” Freeze revealed. “Every now and then one of our coaches will start a conversation and some of us chime in, some don’t. You know who the chatty ones are. You know who always has an opinion.”

Freeze noted that Missouri’s Eli Drinkwitz, whom he considers one of his close friends, often contributes ideas to the chat, prompting humorous remarks from the hosts about Drinkwitz’s chattiness.

Speaking about his counterparts in the Iron Bowl, Freeze discussed both new Alabama head coach Kalen DeBoer and the recently retired Nick Saban on May 8.

Regarding DeBoer, Freeze offered praise for his coaching abilities but refrained from commenting on their relationship, emphasizing that he’s focused on his own team’s affairs.

“Kalen I’ve known for a while,” Freeze remarked. “I think he’s a really good football coach and a good man. I can’t keep up with all they’re doing right now; I got my hands full with us, but I’m sure he’ll do a fine job.

On the topic of Saban, Freeze revealed a closer bond, mentioning their recent golf outing during spring break and their now more frequent conversations outside of football season.

“Nick and I, we were in Jupiter for spring break and played golf together,” Freeze shared. “We actually talk fairly regularly now. It’s peaceful. Everybody knows I love Nick and we’re really good friends away from the field when we don’t play each other.”

The revelation highlights a sense of camaraderie among SEC football head coaches, suggesting that despite the competitiveness on the field, off the field relationships are often amicable and supportive.

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