Former Jacksonville Jaguars owner Wayne Weaver is urging the Jacksonville City Council to greenlight the new Jaguars stadium proposal, emphasizing its benefits for the community.
In a statement released Tuesday, Weaver highlighted the significance of the proposed “Stadium of the Future” deal, comparing it to the monumental achievement of securing the NFL team nearly 31 years ago in 1993.
The 89-year-old, who owned the Jaguars from their inception in 1993 until selling to Shahid Khan in 2011 for $760 million, believes the new stadium package represents an “outstanding” investment in Jacksonville’s long-term prosperity.
“This package is essential,” Weaver stated, noting that it will fund critical initiatives such as workforce development, affordable housing, homelessness reduction, and the completion of riverfront parks.
Weaver described the proposal as a “once-in-a-generation opportunity” for substantial progress.
In his full statement, Weaver praised the forward-thinking stadium renovation agreement developed by Mayor Deegan’s office and the Jaguars, likening its importance to the historic day the NFL franchise was secured for Jacksonville on November 30, 1993.
Reflecting on that momentous day, Weaver expressed his strong support for the renovation package currently before the City Council. He emphasized that the renovations are crucial for keeping the team in Jacksonville for future generations, enhancing the stadium with more shade, improved food options, and an upgraded entertainment venue capable of hosting premier events.
Weaver also underscored the corresponding community benefits package as a significant investment in Jacksonville’s future. He highlighted that this package will support workforce development, affordable housing, homelessness reduction, and the completion of riverfront parks, benefiting thousands of Duval County residents.
Commending Mayor Deegan and Shad Khan for their bold and visionary investments in Jacksonville’s future, Weaver stressed that the proposal will not increase taxes. He urged the City Council to approve the agreement, stating, “It’s a huge step toward helping Jacksonville realize its full potential. Go Jaguars!”
— Wayne Weaver, Former Owner, Jacksonville Jaguars