
Kansas City Chiefs Seek Millions in Tax Incentives to Relocate to Kansas

Kansas City Chiefs

Kansas lawmakers are convening this week for a special legislative session that could significantly impact the state’s tourism and entertainment sectors. A highly anticipated bill, if passed, would provide substantial tax incentives aimed at relocating the reigning Super Bowl champions, the Kansas City Chiefs, and the MLB’s Kansas City Royals from Missouri to Kansas.

During a pre-session hearing on Monday, representatives from both teams urged lawmakers to support the bill. Korb Maxwell, an attorney representing the Chiefs, emphasized the bill’s importance, stating, “If we want to be major league, we’ve got to have major league teams. This is the greatest opportunity we’ve had in any generation, and it’s here before us right now.”

The proposed legislation would enhance the state’s Sales Tax and Revenue (STAR) Bond program, allowing Kansas to issue bonds covering up to 70% of the costs associated with constructing new stadiums for the teams. According to The Kansas City Star, this financial support could amount to hundreds of millions of dollars. In return, the teams would be required to invest at least $1 billion in the new stadiums and training facilities.

The state plans to repay these bonds over 30 years using revenue from sports gambling and lottery funds, as reported by The Kansas City Star. This ambitious financial strategy aims to strengthen Kansas’s appeal as a premier sports destination.

Meanwhile, Missouri is not standing idle. Legislators in Jackson County proposed a countywide sales tax on Monday, aiming to either fund improvements to the Chiefs’ current home, Arrowhead Stadium, or build a new stadium in Missouri. Arrowhead Stadium, which is 50 years old, last underwent renovations in 2010 and is due for significant upgrades.

Chiefs’ President Mark Donovan has previously mentioned exploring various options, including renovating Arrowhead, building a new stadium on the same site, or relocating entirely. In 2022, Donovan even suggested the possibility of moving to Kansas.

Supporters of the Kansas move argue that failing to act could result in the Chiefs and Royals leaving the Kansas-Missouri region altogether, a scenario that would disappoint many local fans, including the large base of Taylor Swift enthusiasts in the area.

As Kansas lawmakers deliberate this week, the future location of these iconic sports teams hangs in the balance, with potential ramifications for both states’ economies and community spirits.

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